Meet the Holy Spirit


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One of the most grievous things that one can endure is to be ignored. How grieved, then, must the Holy Spirit be, for to be ignored has been His lot for these many centuries! He, Who is the Indweller of the believer, the Anointer of the anointed, the Power of the pulpit, and the Fullness of power for the believer, continues to go about His work with little or no acknowledgment or attention. Few sermons are preached about Him; fewer books are written of Him; yet He quietly continues to offer us leadership, comfort, wisdom, strength, teaching, and power.

He must be a wonderful Person to go about His work among us with little or no recognition. Each of us enjoys introducing to our friends someone whom we have met and whose presence has enriched our lives. Years ago I met the Holy Spirit. How rich has been my life since that day! I want you to know Him too. May I introduce the Holy Spirit to you?

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Dr. Jack Hyles


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