Books and Discipleship Materials:

Item(s) typically ship within 1-2 days of purchase.
For discipleship orders of 50 sets or more, there may be a 5-10 day delay to allow for printing time, depending on the size of the order.

All books and discipleship materials are shipped through USPS Media Mail to help keep shipping costs down. Delivery time with this method is slow (2-8 business days from ship date or more).

Small and Large format printing:
Print time varies from 2-10 days depending on the project. Standard shipments are made with UPS Ground, which has a 1-5 day ship time.
For most projects, we suggest planning for a total 3-4 week turnaround time from when the design is approved to when the shipment is delivered. For rush projects, please allow for a 1-3 week turnaround time.